There are three elements in “
The Weekly 3” – our recommendation for a healthy involvement in the life of our church.
Sunday ServiceSunday church is a great opportunity to come together with the whole Trinity Chippenham church family. We can chat together, hear God’s Word together, and respond together in worship. We want Sunday church to be as welcoming, friendly, accessible, and helpful as possible. We hope that the refreshments, music, and preaching will reflect our desire to do all things well for our God who has done everything perfectly. We also hope that our friendliness will make for an atmosphere that reflects his loving character
Life GroupsAnother important element in “The Weekly 3” is Life Group, a smaller group of people who meet for Bible study, prayer, and friendship during the week. We have groups that meet on Tuesday and Thursday evenings in the Chippenham area. We believe that a truly and deeply satisfying life is found in pursuing Christ together in everyday life as part of a community, so Life Groups are a critical part of church. Ask any leader to help you plug into a Life Group that will suit your schedule.
Free to ConnectThis is the third element in “The Weekly 3” – Free to Connect. It is so easy for involvement in a local church to swamp your schedule. If there are too many meetings crammed into the week, then you will soon find meeting people informally to be a burden too. At Trinity Chippenham we want to guard the church schedule to make sure we all have time to be with family, with church friends, and with other friends too. Church should not make relationships difficult, so we have made Free to Connect part of the church programme design!