'Christians Against Poverty' are passionate about releasing people in our nation from a life sentence of debt, poverty and its causes.

CAP offers several different services. Since the organisation was founded in 1996, it has been best known for offering free debt counselling for people in financial difficulty.

Since 2021, Trinity Chippenham hosts a designated CAP Debt Centre; a free service set up to help bring hope, and release individuals and families from debt. It is managed by Maria, who is one of our regulars.

You don't have to be a Christian for us to help you.

For more information, and to ask about help, visit the CAP website: capuk.org or call free on 0800 328 0006

(We are so thankful to Wiltshire Community Foundation and Chippenham Borough Lands for significant funding that helped us launch the Chippenham CAP Centre.)
Christians Against Poverty image

Maria Baker

Debt Centre Manager

Phil Wren


Dave Jeffery


Tim Jones


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This is a revolutionary money management course that teaches people budgeting skills and a simple, cash-based system that really works. Our first course will be delivered at Station Hill Baptist Church on Tuesday 28th September, Tuesday 5th October and Tuesday 12th October from 10.15 - 12.00.Read More

  • Date: 28/09/2021 10:15 AM
  • Location: Station Hill, Chippenham, UK (Map)
  • More Info: Station Hill Baptist Church are hosting the event.

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